Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Flag Porter

#22 in my Advent Calendar is this very fascinating beer from the north of England. Original Flag Porter has a 189 year history. The yeast was revived from a bottle of porter salvaged from a 19th century ship wreck at the bottom of the English Channel. Following a recipe from that era, the brewers provide us with a taste of what beer was like before the industrial revolution turned it into common yellow watery fizz. There is a full taste of toasted malt, but the body is not at all heavy. Hops are subtle in the background, giving a nice clean finish readying the throat for the next wonderful gulp.

This is what beer tasted like when my ancestors left Germany and came to the United States; when John Quincy Adams was president; and when Shaka Zulu reigned in Africa.

A full history is available at

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