The Brown Note -- Such a name is not entirely ill-fitting for a beer. Good beer leads us to make joyful sounds of laughter and singing. Indeed, it improves our singing, as it inflates our estimation of how good our own voices are. But, it must be said, beer also inspires good bodies everywhere to make another sound that is less musical and more, shall we say, brown.
Throughout this Lifetime Beer Book, I've always focused on the pleasing aspects of my favorite beverage. I don't want this entry to be a total bummer. Beer in excess inevitably leads to accidents, true. But let's look on the bright side. Beer in moderation relaxes us and eases our worries and embarrassment over any unfortunate consequences of little accidents.
Now about the beer, behind this undeniably accurate label, there's a very pleasing brown ale. The grainy flavors and clean finish leave a fellow refreshed with a deep, down warm, moist, comfortable feeling.
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