Monday, October 26, 2015

Squash Ale

Tonight I prepared for my family a meal of fall flavors: acorn squash stuffed with sausage and apple. I paired my share with a homemade squash ale. I've been holding back on this batch, thinking it might not be fit to drink by anyone but myself, but as time passes, I think it's aging nicely and the flavors are coalescing. As you can see in the photo, the head is weak, but it is getting bigger with each bottle I pour. I've given a couple to family and friends, and I'm waiting for their feedback.

The recipe for the stuff squashed is available on request. The recipe for the beer is as follows:

3.3 lbs light malt syrup
1 lb amber powdered malt
32 oz corn syrup

2 oz Cascade hops

Grains:  8 oz. 90L, 8 oz. Cora Pils

3/4 cup molasses

8 lbs butternut squash
½ tsp ground cinnamon
½ tsp ground ginger
½ tsp ground allspice
½ tsp ground nutmeg

Clean and cut up the squash. Bake it at 350 degrees for one hour. Smash and put it in a strainer bag.

Follow usual instructions for beer making from extract. Include the spices and molasses in the last 30 minutes of the boil. 

I added 1 oz of the hops early in the boil and 1 oz in the last three minutes for aroma.

Then steep the smashed squash in a strainer bag in the hot wort for 20 minutes only.

Cool to room temperature and add yeast as directed by the labeling on the yeast packet.

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